Kimes Ranch

Explore the essence of true Western artistry with Kimes Ranch offerings, symbolizing a perfect fusion of modern design principles with the authentic spirit of cowboy culture. Nestled in the lively environment of Richmond, KY, Baum's Boots & More proudly presents an extensive range of Kimes Ranch items. These products are celebrated for their exceptional craftsmanship, custom fits, and lasting appeal, representing the contemporary Western way of life while respecting the deep-seated heritage of cowboy traditions. From their renowned denim collections to adaptable tops and quintessential accessories, Kimes Ranch offerings are a testament to a harmonious mix of heritage, forward-thinking, and unmistakable Western charm.

Baum's Boots & More, a renowned destination for premium Western attire in Richmond, offers more than a shopping experience—it's a journey into a realm where tradition blends with the new age. Visitors will find, alongside the esteemed Kimes Ranch collection, a wide variety of Western clothing and accessories, each thoughtfully selected to enhance the Kimes Ranch style. For those who cherish genuine Western roots yet embrace modern touches, Baum's Boots & More is your portal to the unique universe of Kimes Ranch products, where each item narrates a piece of the enduring American West story.